Should I continue to date someone active in drug and alcohol addiction?

Question by Mark Rain: Should I continue to date someone active in drug and alcohol addiction?
I’ve been dating someone for 3 months and have come to love them. Unfortunately, my girflriend is a drug addict and alcoholic. She no longer does hard drugs, but she is not completely clean, she still smokes weed everday multiple times and cannot really function without it. She still drinks also. Years ago she was involved in a 12 step program but dropped out and never really tried to work the steps or anything, she just says she “didn’t like it”. Over the course of months we’ve dated I’ve seen more and more how she needs to do these substances to function, otherwise she is usually like a zombie. It hurts me so much to see this, because I love her, but she says she has no interest in stopping. She thinks it causes her no problem in her life, but she still lives with parents at the age of 30, lost a good job recently due to a failed drug test, got a DUI last year, lost her license, and now has a breathalyzer but STILL attempts to drink and drive at times, and has no real direction in her life. I’m assuming I should get out now? Will it only get worse?

Best answer:

Answer by Brianna Esquivel
i dont think this is a good situation at all.!
likee i think if she really cared for yu she wuld stop.!

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