736 In Prison17 times because of Meth Addiction. The Faster EFT Addiction Experiment.

736 In Prison17 times because of Meth Addiction. The Faster EFT Addiction Experiment. – http://www.fastereft.com/products/downloads.


Jeremy Brent Cramer Expected To Change Plea In 3-Year-Old Son's Killing
Prosecutors say Cramer took his child from their home and drove to southwestern Montana, where he killed the boy in a remote field 5 miles from the town of Anaconda. Cramer's brother told police his brother was a former methamphetamine addict who had … Read more on Huffington Post

Tamayo nominated for Peace Prize
“Back in '93 was when the meth started. We had to knock on doors,” he said. … be changed for the better,” Brown writes. “Ruben's leadership has been a driving force in revitalizing so many lives shattered by drug addiction, alcoholism and criminal … Read more on Lompoc Record