Does this make me a drug addict, and should I be in treatment?

I smoke marijuana daily, and for the past year or so, I would say when I cant find it I pretty much do what ever. I drink a lot of cough syrup, take add pills,pain killers, coke. I feel like I cant find true happiness unless im under the influnce of a drug. I would say I mainly abuse marijuana and alcohol, but like I said if I cant get those I will do when ever. And I can remember starting drugs mainly because it was fun and then it started to be to escape, and now i feel like im not happy from any drug or when im sober. Its I really wanna get high on whatever is there, and then once im high I dont want to be, or drunk or w/e. I feel ashamed or like I shouldent seek treatment, but at the same time I feel like I should before I become physically addicted to the harder drugs I do. I need to hear things from people who have gone through this or have ideas about what I should do. Thank you
I feel so overwellmed I dont even know where to start.
And im manic deppresive, the main reason i even think of treatment or ask these questions is because my mental state is crazy my moods change so much in one day and it use to be months not hours, i dont even know anymore, its i know my fate and theres nothing i can do, but at the same time i want to change it so bad.

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