Why would anyone try heroin?

Question by Equinox: Why would anyone try heroin?
Why would anyone try extremely addictive drugs like Heroin, Crack, Cocaine (hard drugs ect.) after the enormous amount of evidence ( people, shows, readings, almost everything that has to do with any of these addictive drugs is saddening, how their lives are ruined) that plainly shows what people become after addiction?

I mean, watching the videos on addiction and how it ravages the body, mind, and family scares me to death, just watching it!

Why, after knowing this, would anyone stick Heroin into their veins or smoke Crack?! Like i said, watching or hearing of millions of people who have ruined their lives? Is it because they think that if they try it once, they’ll be fine?! That’s ridiculous! If this thing can cost me my life, my home, my family, my body, why the hell would I try it even once!?!
It makes me so sad how I hear and have read about the worst addicts (even kids!, 15 -19 year olds!!) spending upwards of 3 years prostituting, stealing, mugging, and dealing drugs to support their addictions after almost EVERYTHING, all of the information about drugs (the ones that came from people who are not using) has been completely against it.

Drugs are amazingly ravaging, destructive. I just cant fathom, or get through my skull, what ever, how you can hear all this info, watch all these videos, see all these people homeless, nodding off, fcked up face and all [in person, family members, friends or even in videos], and have the gall to even consider picking up that needle, never mind actually shooting up.

i actually start to tear when i see that sh*t, its so sad, the human race, this is as low as we can go?
and those who have kicked it, it always lingers below the surface of your thoughts doesn’t it?

on a serious note however, do you regret using it? or feel ok now that you have that experience under your belts? or a combo of both?

Best answer:

Answer by SpotsB4myeyes
“It won’t happen to me” syndrome. Some people are risk-takers, some want to get high without the calories of booze, others…who knows, pure self destruction?

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