2 arrested in multi-agency drug bust
2 arrested in multi-agency drug bust
She takes two hydrocodone each day AS PRESCRIBED, and it HELPS her to get by!! When used AS PRESCRIBED, you do NOT get any sort of mind altering effect. Can you say the same about crack cocaine? Meth? Heroine? PcP? Or even Marijuana? Read more on The Augusta Chronicle
The (Not So) Secret Diary of a London First Time Buyer; Aged 34 1⁄4 – Part II
I go with the ridiculous: I'd like to buy your condo as my current crack den is frustratingly open plan. And what's more off-putting than the cloying smell of burnt, low-grade cocaine and boozy hookers when you're munching organic porridge before … Read more on Huffington Post UK
Kayyem: Consider decriminalizing drugs beyond pot
… to help those who use the drugs get out of jail and into treatment. Kayyem said she'd focus on getting non-violent offenders who use drugs like cocaine or crack into drug courts or diversion programs rather than filling up prisons. … Kayyem said … Read more on Greenwich Time