movies about marijuana?

Question by ta-dah: movies about marijuana?
are there any movies that deal with marijuana?
i like movies about drug addiction but they are mostly heroin.
i’d prefer it to be an independent movie but anythings fine.

also, i realize that marijuana is not addictive and only obsessive and i’m not against it i just enjoy drama movies that deal with addiction to drugs i just never saw one that revolved around weed.

Best answer:

Answer by awesomefb
Cheech & Chong – That’s all thier movies are about. Marijuana. They are also hilarious !! I recommend for a good laugh, after watching addiction movies, they are so depressing.

Answer by classicred
There’s a movie about cocaine called Blow. It’s an excellent movie. Oh yeah, now I remember, Half Baked is a movie about marijuana.

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