How do you feel about whether or not weed should be legal?

Question by Jay: How do you feel about whether or not weed should be legal?
I just got done watching a debate video and the guy saying it should stay illegal was retarded,he was comparing weed to cocaine,heroine,and meth.Im pretty sure I have never heard anything about “weed addicts”or people overdosing on weed,then he was saying how he is glad alcohol and tobacco is legal,Tobacco is one of the main causes of lung cancer and alcohol is the number one cause of car accident deaths,have you ever heard of someone dying in a car accident from being high off weed?Give me your take on whether or not it should be legal.

Best answer:

Answer by ThAt MaN oN tHe MooN
Legal? no. Decriminalized? yes. Have i been an avid smoker but don’t anymore because its a waste of time and money and really doesn’t effect me that much? yes. Do i think its bad for people? no. Am i against the use of it because its just stupid? yeah.

Answer by The Real
I think it should be legal . I however dont think other drugs should be such as cocaine. Marijuana is a totally different drug and effects the individual using it in a much more positive way. for example, there has not been a single death or overdose from marijuana but there is hundreds everyday with cocaine and alcohol. I could give many more examples on how marijuana is different but for now ill answer your question..

I want marijuana to be legal heres some reasons why 🙂 …

– Less money towards pointless law enforcement . More money towards things such as healthcare, new roads, education , etc. .. The total sum of money spent fighting marijuana and its users is incredible (look it up) . And even with all this money spent on trying to eradicate marijuana use the availability of marijuana among teens has only gone up over the last few decades.

– Less crime – Marijuana is a drug that does not create violence or abuse. Alcohol is. . id much rather people smoked pot and be happy over get wasted and making fools out of themselves.

– Less pressure on healthcare – Marijuana is far less toxic than alcohol . look it up . its not a poisonous substance like you say. Alcohol is . . Thats why when you smoke alot of pot and go to bed you feel great and well rested the next day. While on the other hand when you drink alot and finally manage to go to bed you have a hangover the next day.

– Environment – Marijuana and hemp can be used for many things such as fibres, material, oil, medicine, and much much more. Instead of cutting down the rain forests for paper we can grow hemp on our farms and use that ?

– Stoners of america arent the only ones who support legalization. When polled 56% of americans favour marijuana legalization 🙂

– Keeping a substance illegal does nothing. Just look at prohibition of alcohol back in the day and how disastrous that was. Infact teenagers can more easily obtain marijuana than alcohol . I know when i was young i could get marijuana so easily but when we wanted to drink it was hard to get alcohol because they had controlled sales of the stuff to people under 19 (im in Canada)

Please please please look up the reasons why marijuana is illegal and if you have the capability , open up your mind and listen to people who support legalization . Listen to their reasons and think about them . They make perfect sense to a lot of people who aren’t still brainwashed by reefer madness or other US government anti-drug propaganda .

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